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Welcome To KEY TO THE CITY's Page For
Fresno County, California

93701, 93702, 93703, 93705, 93710, 93711, 93720, 93721, 93722, 93726, 93727, 93728

California's New Frontier
The Garden of the Sun

Page Contents for Fresno, California

Statistics & Facts


Weather & Climate

History & History-related items

City Attractions


Chamber of Commerce.

Community news

Organizations, Churches, and Sports.




Statistics & Facts

The California state capital is Sacramento.
The population of Fresno is approximately 411,600 (1998), 494665 (2010).
The approximate number of families is 129,404 (1990), 158349 (2010).
The amount of land area in Fresno is 256.775 sq. kilometers.
The amount of land area in Fresno is 102 sq. miles.
The amount of surface water is 0.891 sq kilometers.
The distance from Fresno to Washington DC is 2430 miles.
The distance to the California state capital is 151 miles. (as the crow flies)
Fresno is positioned 36.78 degrees north of the equator and 119.79 degrees west of the prime meridian.
Fresno elevation is 296 feet above sea level.
Fresno average annual precipitation is 10.7 inches peryear.
The average low temperature is (winter) 37, (spring) 48, (summer) 65, (fall) 51 degrees F.
The average high temperature is (winter) 54, (spring) 75, (summer) 98, (fall) 80 degrees F.


on Highway 99 in the middle of the state above Bakersfield, in the central valley of California. Here is a location page for Fresno.
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moderate. The area is typical of the Central Valley of California with warm summers and mild winters. It is extremely rare to have freezing temperatures. High humidity is rarely present. Here is a climate page for Fresno. This page from the National Weather Service gives a climate report with present values plus normals and extremes for this date in the past.
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History & History Related Items

Fresno was founded unusually when the entire population of Millerton moved together from Millerton to the railroad line and a new town was created around 1872. It is located in the heart of the San Joaquin Valley, often referred to as the great "Garden of the Sun" because of its agricultural prominance. Located here are some of the largest winereries, and largest dried fruit company in the world. Fresno is known for its large agricultural production, among the top in the world.

The name comes from the Spanish word for ash tree. There were many of these ash trees in the valley at that time. Fresno had the typical western town atmosphere with some saloons and a sheriff's office. It was burned down several times and was flooded out in 1884. After the serious flood, the resident decided they needed some structured city government. Fresno was incorporated on Oct 12, 1885.

Here is a Fresno history page

This Fresno History at a Glance page has some nice photographs of the area.

This page highlights the first 100 years of Fresno history.
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The founding of Fresno



Fresno is the Raisin Capital of the World


Fresno is the home of several famous automobile racing drivers. Among the best known are the three generations of Bill Vukovich. They constitute the first combination of father, son and grandson to compete in the Indianapolis 500. The late Bill Vukovich Sr. is considered by many racing analysts to be the best Indianapolis 500 driver of all time. He won the 1953 and 1954 classics. With better luck, he could have won at least four in a row, between 1952 and 1955. He had a commanding lead in the 1952 race when his car failed near the end. He also had a commanding lead in the 1955 race, but lost his life when he became involved in an accident with lapped cars which tangled in front of him.

Bill Vukovich Jr. was Rookie of the Year for the 1968 Indianapolis 500. He did not win the race, but did earn a second place finish in 1973. He had several other top 10 finishes at Indianapolis before his retirement.

The late Billy Vukovich III was Rookie of the Year for the 1988 Indianapolis 500 and had earlier earned championships in super-modified competition. His career, which almost certainly would have included victory at the Indianapolis 500, was tragically interrupted in a sprint car accident at Bakersfield, CA in November 1990.

Other prominent drivers from Fresno include Johnny Boyd, Duane Carter, Edgar Elder, and Earl Motter.

Fresno is located near three of our National Parks: Yosemite National Park and Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks

Chaffee Zoological Gardens of Fresno
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Find out more information about Fresno on Fresno On-line
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Fresno City Government

City of Fresno
2600 Fresno Street
Fresno CA 93721
Phone: 559-621-7650

Fresno has a Council/Manager form of government

Fresno Chamber

Fresno Chamber of Commerce
2331 Fresno St.
Fresno, CA 93721
Phone: 559-495-4800
Fax: 559-495-4811

Fresno Community News

25 June 2016 - Fresno California - Man Shot By Police While Walking Towards Them With Something In His Hand

Dylan Noble was stopped by police, who were looking for a man with a rifle. Nobel ignored most of the officers commands while they tried to get him to show his hands and get on the ground. Just before being shop Nobel was holding something in his hand and started walking toward the officers. The thing he had in his hand was a small box. Police Chief Jerry Dyer has asked the FBI to conduct a separate investigation.

Fresno Organizations

Fresno Chamber of Commerce
2331 Fresno St.
Fresno, CA 93721
Phone: 559-495-4800
Fax: 559-495-4811

Fresno Libraries

Fresno County Library
Headquarters & Central Library
2420 Mariposa St.
Fresno, California 93721
Phone: 559-488-3195

Fresno Schools

Fresno Unified School District
2309 Tulare St>
Fresno, CA
Phone: 559-457-3733
Fax: 559-457-3778
Email Fresno


The population of Fresno was:
1998 - 411,600
2001 - 435,700
2002 - 441,900

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