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Welcome To KEY TO THE CITY's Page For
Dougherty County, Georgia

31707, 31701, 31702, 31705

The Good Life City
The Pecan Capital of the World

Page Contents for Albany, Georgia

Statistics & Facts


Weather & Climate

History & History-related items

City Attractions


Chamber of Commerce.

Organizations, Churches, and Sports.



Statistics & Facts

The Georgia state capital is Atlanta.
The population of Albany is approximately 76,939 (2000), 77434 (2010).
The approximate number of families is 30,603 (1990), 29781 (2010).
The amount of land area in Albany is 143.628 sq. kilometers.
The amount of surface water is 0.857 sq kilometers.
The distance from Albany to Washington DC is 655 miles.
The distance to the Georgia state capital is 151 miles. (as the crow flies)
Albany is positioned 31.57 degrees north of the equator and 84.17 degrees west of the prime meridian.
Albany per capita income is $ 23,672 (2000).
Albany median income is $ 30,934 (2000).


in southwestern Georgia, south of both Macon and Columbus.
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moderate. Summer highs may be 100 degrees while winter lows may go down to 15.
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History & History Related Items

Originally called Thronateeska by the local Creek Indians, the City of Albany was founded by Nelson Tift in 1836. He hoped it would become a major trade center like Albany, New York.

The City of Albany was visited by Martin Luther King in the early sixties

Here is a history page for Albany.
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Ray Charles - noted musician and composer was born in Albany. He was blinded at age seven, but still pursued his musical career.

Throneteska Heritage Museum and Planetarium
Discover Albany or the Universe

Parks at Chehaw
105 Chehaw Park Rd.
Albany, GA 31701
Phone 229-430-5275

Albany Civic Center Complex
100 W. Oglethorpe Blvd
Albany, GA

Turner Field
history of the Turner Field Army Air Base and Naval Air Station

Colonel Nelson Tift State Historical Marker
at the Albany-Dougherty County Judicial Building

Albany Museum of Art
311 Meadowlark Drive
Albany, Georgia 31707
Phone: 229-439-8400

Flint RiverQuarium
Featuring a blue hole spring and many fish, reptiles and plants found in the Flint River ecosystem.

Flood of 1994 Memorial
Veterans Park, Front Street at Oglethorpe
A tribute to the thousands of volunteers who helped rebuild Albany after the devastation of the Flood of 1994.
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Albany City Government

City of Albany
P.O. Box 447
222 Pine Ave.
Albany, GA 31702
Phone: 229-431-3234
Fax: 229-431-3223

The City currently (2002) has its first black female City Manager who was once assistant city manager. The City also has a black police chief

Albany Chamber

Albany Area Chamber of Commerce
225 West Broad Avenue
Albany, Georgia, 31701
Phone: (229) 434-8700
Fax: (229) 434-8716
Toll Free: (800) 475-8700

Albany Organizations

Albany Area Chamber of Commerce
225 West Broad Avenue
Albany, Georgia, 31701
Phone: (229) 434-8700
Fax: (229) 434-8716
Toll Free: (800) 475-8700

Albany Schools

Dougherty County Public School System
200 Pine Avenue
Albany, Georgia 31701
Phone: 229-431-1264 Albany


The population of Albany was:
1990 -78,122
2000 - 76,939

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