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Welcome To KEY TO THE CITY's Page For
Johnson County, Kentucky


Page Contents for Paintsville, Kentucky

Statistics & Facts


History & History-related items

City Attractions


Chamber of Commerce.

Organizations, Churches, and Sports.



Statistics & Facts

The Kentucky state capital is Frankfort.
The population of Paintsville is approximately 4,097 (2004), 3459 (2010).
The approximate number of families is 2,014 (1990), 1604 (2010).
The amount of land area in Paintsville is 11.108 sq. kilometers.
The amount of land area in Paintsville is 5.3 sq. miles.
The amount of surface water is 0 sq kilometers.
The distance from Paintsville to Washington DC is 336 miles.
The distance to the Kentucky state capital is 119 miles. (as the crow flies)
Paintsville is positioned 37.81 degrees north of the equator and 82.80 degrees west of the prime meridian.
Paintsville median income is $ 79,200 (2000).
The Paintsville median home price is $ 25,259 (2000).


in eastern Kentucky. Other nearby communities include Williamsport, Boons Camp, Staffordsville, Leander, Swamp Branch, Riceville, Oil Springs, Wittensville, Nippa, Falcon, Prestonsburg, Hagerhill, Auxier, Thealka, West Van Lear and Van Lear.
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History & History Related Items

In 1834, Paintsville was founded as a town by the state legislature. It was named the county seat for the new Johnson County in 1843, a distinction is still claims today.
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Learn more about Paintsville at this informative site.

Kentucky Apple Festival
held each year in October.
for more information, please contact the Paintsville Tourism Office at 800-542-5790.
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Paintsville City Government

Paintsville is the County Seat for Johnson County.

Paintsville, Kentucky
101 Euclid Ave.
Paintsville, Kentucky 41240
Phone: 606-789-2600

Paintsville Chamber

Chamber of Commerce
304 Main St.
Paintsville, Kentucky 41240-1044
Phone: 606-789-5688

Paintsville Organizations

Chamber of Commerce
304 Main St.
Paintsville, Kentucky 41240-1044
Phone: 606-789-5688

Paintsville Schools

Johnson County School System

Paintsville Independent Schools

Paintsville Elementary School
325 2nd St.
Paintsville, Kentucky 41240-1037
Phone: 606-789-2651

Paintsville High School

Johnson Central High School
257 North Mayo Trail
Paintsville, KY 41240
Phone: 606-789-2500
Fax: 606-789-2547 Paintsville


The population of Paintsville was:
1990 - 4,354
2000 - 4,132
2004 - 4,097

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