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Welcome To KEY TO THE CITY's Page For
Orange County, North Carolina


Page Contents for Carrboro, North Carolina

Statistics & Facts


Weather & Climate

History & History-related items

City Attractions

Chamber of Commerce.



Statistics & Facts

The North Carolina state capital is Raleigh.
The population of Carrboro is approximately 16,782 (2000), 19582 (2010).
The approximate number of families is 6,108 (1990), 8625 (2010).
The amount of land area in Carrboro is 9.148 sq. kilometers.
The amount of land area in Carrboro is 4.25 sq. miles.
The amount of surface water is 0 sq kilometers.
The distance from Carrboro to Washington DC is 237 miles.
The distance to the North Carolina state capital is 25 miles. (as the crow flies)
Carrboro is positioned 35.91 degrees north of the equator and 79.08 degrees west of the prime meridian.
Carrboro median income is $ 57,073 (2000).
Carrboro average annual rainfall is 41.43 inches per year
Carrboro average annual snowfall is 7.9 inches per year.
The average high temperature is 70 degrees F.


about 20 minutes from Chapel Hill in the North-central portion of the state.
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mild. Both the summers and the winters are generally short with spectacular springs and summers.
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History & History Related Items

Carrboro was founded in 1882, three years after a Railway line was extended to link students with the outside world.
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Carrboro is known for having one of the most extensive on and off-road bikeway systems in the state.
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Carrboro Chamber

Chapel Hill/Carrboro Chamber of Commerce
104 S. Estes Drive
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Phone: (919) 967-7075

Carrboro Organizations

Chapel Hill/Carrboro Chamber of Commerce
104 S. Estes Drive
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Phone: (919) 967-7075

Carrboro Schools

Chapel Hill/Carrboro City Schools
750 South Merritt Mill Road
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27516
Phone: 919-967-8211

Orange County Schools
200 East King Street
Hillsborough, NC 27278
Phone: (919)732-8126 Carrboro


The population of Carrboro was:
1980 - 7,336 1990 - 11,553
1998 - 15,437
2000 - 16,782

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