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Welcome To KEY TO THE CITY's Page For
Maggie Valley
Haywood County, North Carolina


Clogging Capital of the World

Page Contents for Maggie Valley, North Carolina

Statistics & Facts


History & History-related items

City Attractions


Chamber of Commerce.

Organizations, Churches, and Sports.


Statistics & Facts

The North Carolina state capital is Raleigh.
The population of Maggie Valley is approximately 607 (2000), 1150 (2010).
The approximate number of families is 565 (2000), 551 (2010).
The amount of land area in Maggie Valley is 1.95 sq. kilometers.
The amount of land area in Maggie Valley is 1.6 sq. miles.
The amount of surface water is 0 sq kilometers.
The distance from Maggie Valley to Washington DC is 416 miles.
The distance to the North Carolina state capital is 252 miles. (as the crow flies)
Maggie Valley is positioned 35.51 degrees north of the equator and 83.09 degrees west of the prime meridian.
Maggie Valley elevation is 3,018 feet above sea level.
Maggie Valley per capita income is $ 17,211 (2000).
Maggie Valley median income is $ 29,300 (2005).
The Maggie Valley median home price is $ 109,600 (2005).


in western North Carolina about 35 miles from Asheville. Other nearby communities include Waynesville, Lake Junaluska, Clyde, West Canton, Sylva, Webster, Canton and Dillsboro.
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History & History Related Items

When this small community had expanded in population, they felt the need for their own post office. The person who arranged for mail service from other towns to the area submitted several names for the new post office. Included in the list were the names of his three daughters. When the US Postal Service chose Maggie as the new name, the young daughter was so embarrassed that she burst into tears.

Read a history page about the naming of Maggie Valley.
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Ghost Town in the Sky
featuring staged gunfights, live music, shows, food and much more
16 Fie Top Rd.
Maggie Valley, NC 28751
Phone: 828-926-1140

Wheels Through Time
The Museum that Runs
62 Vintage Lane
Maggie Valley, North Carolina 28751
Phone: 828-926-6266
Rare American motorcycles from 1903 to the present.

Learn more about Maggie Valley at this informative site.
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Maggie Valley City Government

Maggie Valley Town Manager
3987 Soco Rd.
Maggie Valley, NC 28751
Phone: 828-926-0866

Maggie Valley Chamber

Maggie Valley Chamber of Commerce
2487 Soco Rd.
P.O. Box 279
Maggie Valley, NC 28751
Phone: 828-926-1686
Toll-free: 800-624-4431

Maggie Valley Organizations

Maggie Valley Chamber of Commerce
2487 Soco Rd.
P.O. Box 279
Maggie Valley, NC 28751
Phone: 828-926-1686
Toll-free: 800-624-4431 Maggie Valley


The population of Maggie Valley was:
2000 - 607

The number of housing units was:
2000 - 565

Median age:
2000 - 49.0 years

Median household income:
2000 - $ 29,808
2005 - $ 29,300

Median house value:
2000 - $ 101,700
2005 - $ 109,600

Maggie Valley is located in the Eastern Time Zone and does participate in daylight savings time during a portion of the year.

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