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Welcome To KEY TO THE CITY's Page For
Broome County, New York
13901, 13903, 13904, 13905
The Carousel Capital of the World
The Parlor City
History & History-related items
Chamber of Commerce.
Organizations, Churches, and Sports.
Binghamton was known as the Parlor City because of the fact that it was an extremely classy city; well laid out, clean, and well-kept. This motto is older, but still in limited use. A newer motto is The Carousel Capital of the World. This comes from the fact that the Johnson family of Endicott-Johnson shoe company was very philanthropic. Binghamton and surrounding areas once hosted huge shoe manufacturing plants. The company, under the leadership of the Johnson family, built numerous things for the community. Besides a hospital, golf course, and dance hall (among other things), six carousels were installed in parks in the area, all of which must operate at no cost to riders forever. No area in the world has as many antique carousels as the greater Binghamton area.
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Ross Park Zoo
Mailing Address:
185 Park Ave
Binghamton, NY 13903
Zoo Location:
60 Morgan Road
Binghamton, NY 13903
Phone: 607-724-5461
The Zoo is not open year-round, please call ahead for hours of operation
Cutler Botanic Gardens
840 Front Street
Binghamton, NY 13905
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