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Welcome To KEY TO THE CITY's Page For
Brown County, Ohio


Page Contents for Georgetown, Ohio

Statistics & Facts


City Attractions


Chamber of Commerce.

Community events.

Organizations, Churches, and Sports.




Statistics & Facts

The Ohio state capital is Columbus.
The population of Georgetown is approximately 3,765 (2002), 4331 (2010).
The approximate number of families is 1,479 (1990), 1722 (2010).
The amount of land area in Georgetown is 7.261 sq. kilometers.
The amount of land area in Georgetown is 3.7 sq. miles.
The amount of surface water is 0 sq kilometers.
The distance from Georgetown to Washington DC is 390 miles.
The distance to the Ohio state capital is 93 miles. (as the crow flies)
Georgetown is positioned 38.86 degrees north of the equator and 83.90 degrees west of the prime meridian.
Georgetown median income is $ 29,807 (2000).
The Georgetown median home price is $ 81,400 (2000).


in southwest Ohio about 45 miles from Cincinnati. Other nearby communities include Hamersville, Higginsport, Russellville, Ripley, Mount Orab and Sardinia all in Ohio. Also nearby are Dover and Augusta, both in Kentucky.
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seasonal with snowy and cold wintersand sunny, warm summers. Rainfall is abundant all year long.
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Ulysses S. Grant
President US Grant grew up in Georgetown Ohio. Here are several websites regarding Grant:

This page is about the school President Grant attended as a boy in Georgetown. The Ohio Historical Society has this page about Ulysses S. Grant's childhood school.
Here is a biography page for President Grant.

Brian Grant - Professional basketball player with the NBA
He began his basketball career at Xavier, and now (2001) is a starter for the Miami Heat. Not only is he an excellent playe, but a good man who does a lot of charity work and is a real credit to Georgetown.
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Georgetown City Government

City Administrator
301 S Main St
Georgetown, OH 45121-1599
Phone: 937-378-6395

Georgetown is the county seat of Brown County.

Georgetown Chamber

Chamber Of Commerce
307 W Grant Ave
Georgetown, OH 45121
Phone: 937-378-4784

Georgetown Community Events

31st Ohio Valley Antique Machinery Show
Annually, second Thur thru Sun of August each year
2001, August 9 to 12
Place: OVAM Showgrounds, 1 mile West on St Rt 125
Reliving the GOOD OLD DAYS.....Not just machinery, sights & fun for all ages. Featuring: ORPHANS, ODDBALLS, CRAWLERS, WITTE GAS ENGINES & ANTIQUE FIRE EQUIPMENT. ....Pulls, 3 big Parades, Giant Antique/Craft/Flea Market, 1920 Bucyrus Steam Shovel, 90 HP Buckeye Oil Engine.

Georgetown Organizations

Chamber Of Commerce
307 W Grant Ave
Georgetown, OH 45121
Phone: 937-378-4784

Georgetown Libraries

Brown County Public Library
200 W Grant Ave
Georgetown, OH 45121-1204
Phone: 937-378-3197

Georgetown Schools

Georgetown Exempted Village Schools Website

Brown County School Supt Office
325 W State St
Georgetown, OH 45121-1262
Phone: 937-378-6118

Georgetown Superintendent of Schools
1043 Mount Orab Pike
Georgetown, OH 45121-9339
Phone: 937-378-3730

Georgetown High School
987 Mt. Orab Pike
Georgetown, Ohio Georgetown


The population of Georgetown was:
1990 - 3,627
2000 - 3,691
2002 - 3,765

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