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Welcome To KEY TO THE CITY's Page For
Cocke County, Tennessee

37821, 37822

Page Contents for Newport, Tennessee

Statistics & Facts

History & History-related items

City Attractions


Chamber of Commerce.

Organizations, Churches, and Sports.




Statistics & Facts

The Tennessee state capital is Nashville.
The population of Newport is approximately 7,500 (1999), 6945 (2010).
The approximate number of families is 3,171 (1990), 3060 (2010).
The amount of land area in Newport is 11.222 sq. kilometers.
The amount of surface water is 0 sq kilometers.
The distance from Newport to Washington DC is 404 miles.
The distance to the Tennessee state capital is 204 miles. (as the crow flies)
Newport is positioned 35.96 degrees north of the equator and 83.19 degrees west of the prime meridian.

History & History Related Items

Old Towne New Port was located here but was later moved because of a new railroad. The name was then changed from two words to one.

Newport was founded because of plentiful water and fertile land.

The first African-American Mayor was elected in Newport
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Wilma Dykeman's House
Great Smoky Mountains
T.V.A. Lakes
Street Harvest
Newport Grammar (oldest Elementary school in Tennessee, 1898)
Christy Mission is located 8 miles outside of town
A large amount of tobacco is grown here.

Grace Moore,the opera singer, was born here.
There are over 60 churches here
6,000 feet mountains

L.D. Ottinger, 2 time Nascar Bucsh Grand National Champion 1975 ,1976, was born and still resides in Newport
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Newport City Government

Newport City Mayor's Office
330 E Main St
Newport, TN 37821-3129
Phone: 423-623-1063

Newport Chamber

The Newport/Cocke County Chamber of Commerce
433-B Cosby Highway
Newport, TN 37821
Phone (423)623-7201
Fax (423)623-7216

Newport Organizations

The Newport/Cocke County Chamber of Commerce
433-B Cosby Highway
Newport, TN 37821
Phone (423)623-7201
Fax (423)623-7216

Newport Libraries

Newport Library
383 E Broadway St
Newport, TN 37821-3105
Phone: 423-623-3832

Newport Schools

Cocke County School Systems
305 Headrick Dr
Newport, TN 37821-2908
Phone: 423-623-7179 Newport


The population of Newport was:
1990 - 7,123
1999 - 7,500

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