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Welcome To KEY TO THE CITY's Page For
Shorewood Hills
Dane County, Wisconsin
History & History-related items
A history page for Shorewood Hills.
The village was formed with the combining of two plats named College Hills and Shorewood. It was established on July 31, 1927. At the time the village was founded, the city of Madison was still some distance away. Later, especially after World War II, Madison has grown out and surrounded the village.
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Frank Lloyd Wright was a Wisconsin native and grew up in Madison. He designednumerous buildings in the Madison area, of which two of the most famous are in theVillage of Shorewood Hills. The Pew House (3650 Lake Mendota Drive) was an earlyand outstanding example of Wright's Usonian style. The First Unitarian MeetingHouse at 900 University Bay Drive is one of Wright's most famous buildings.Opened in 1951, it has been designated by the American Institute of Architects asone of 17 Wright designs that best exemplifies his contributions to Americanarchitecture. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Wright himselfwas a member of the local Unitarian church when it was located downtown, andretained an interest in Unitarianism throughout his life.
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Shorewood Hills Village Hall
810 Shorewood Boulevard
Madison, WI 53705
Telephone: 608-267-2680
Shorewood Hills Schools
Shorewood Hills Elementary School
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